A Fresh Coat of Paint: Before & After

It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do!

I have had this sewing table for quite some time.  It was a lovely hand-me-down from my inlaws. It’s been sitting in the basement and I kept telling myself I needed to work on it. I finally got my act together this past weekend and went to the paint store. Once I had the paint, I couldn’t wait anymore and started right away.

I brought this ball of yarn along to the paint store with me for inspiration! It is Madelinetosh – Tosh Lace in Turquoise. I’m working on something new with this yarn that I’m excited to share, but that’s for another day – hopefully soon!

The color I settled on is called Tropical Turquoise by Benjamin Moore.  I used their Advance product which is oil-based, but is quick drying and can be washed off hands with soap and water. I highly recommend it!

I don’t know why I waited so long to do this, because it was an incredibly quick project and I’m thrilled with the results. Even though it’s technically a sewing table, I plan to use it for all my crafting adventures!  I have some leftover paint and I’m eyeballing items around the house to see what else I can use it on, but I have a feeling this color is good in small doses only!

11 Comments on “A Fresh Coat of Paint: Before & After”

  1. Looks great; did you have to sand it down before painting , or just paint right over the original finish?

    • Hey Sheila! I didn’t sand it, just right over the original finish. At Booma’s he mentioned if it was going to get a lot of use that there is a coat of a bonding primer type thing, that you can do in between the original and the new color that bonds them together without having to sand it. I didn’t do it because I figured by the time this paint wears off, I’ll be ready for a new color!

  2. Kara,
    Beautiful! I have the exact same sewing table-I will have to try to paint mine!!
    Does it have the sewing machine in it? Mine still does…I have to get a new sewing machine. it has seen its better days…

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